Boone/Hickory Programs Tuition & Fees

As a member institution of the UNC System, Appalachian State University’s methods of calculation and rates of
tuition and course related fees must be approved by the UNC Board of Governors. Miscellaneous service charges
are approved at the campus level by the chancellor.

Tuition and Fees for FALL and SPRING


As required by the UNC Board of Governors, All students will be charged tuition on a per credit hour basis
using the approved annual rate divided by 24 for undergraduate students and 18 for graduate students. The
exception for students that are part of a Fixed Tuition Cohort per North Carolina General Statute 116-143.9.
For more information related to fixed tuition see the NC Fixed Tuition Guarantee Webpage. Rates for
students in a fixed tuition cohort are found below under subheading Fixed Tuition Cohorts.


Fees are assessed based on the student level (undergraduate or graduate) and the program. See below fo
details related to Appstate Online and Main Campus Programs. Fees are approved by the UNC Board of
Governors. Miscellaneous Fees are approved by the Appalachian State Chancellor. Some Miscellaneous
fees may not be fully approved at the time of the creation of this Tuition and Fee Schedule.

Appstate Online Programs: Students who are enrolled in a program designated as an Appstate Online
Program will be assessed fees at the Appstate Online Program rates. Note: This also includes Appstate
Online Programs that meet at an offsite location. Beginning in Fall 22’ if a student is in an Appstate Online
Program all courses taken, regardless of location or delivery method of course, will be billed at the Appstate
Online approved rates. Please note: This does not provide access to all main campus services due to those
fees not being assessed to Appstate Online Students. Students enrolled in an Appstate Online may contact
the Office of Student Accounts if the student wishes to opt-in to the Health Services Access Fee. If a student
opt’s in the full-time rate will be charged regardless of the number of hours the student is enrolled.

Boone/Hickory Campus Programs: Students who are enrolled in a program designated as main campus will be
assessed the Main Campus Fees. These fees are required and not optional for Main Campus Students,

regardless of utilization of services on campus. The Only Exception that a student may opt-out of is the book
rental fee. Please contact the campus bookstore for opt-out deadlines and to request to opt-out. Beginning
Fall 22’ if a student is enrolled in a Main Campus Program, all courses will be assessed at the main campus
fee schedule. This includes any courses that may be online or considered off-site of our Main Campus in
Boone NC.

If you have questions regarding which campus type your course is prior to registering for classes, please
consult your advisor or The Registrar's Office (for undergraduate) and Graduate Studies (for all other
levels). Once tuition and fees are charged, The Office of Student Accounts can assist with explanation of the
charges. Please note that Campus Type for each course are determined by the each college/program and
not determined by The Office of Student Accounts. We cannot answer questions related to why a specific
course is coded as either Appstate Online or Main Campus. Please consult your academic department
and/or Appstate Online Offices for further explanation.

Other Cost Explanations in Addition to Tuition and Fees

Residence Status for Tuition Purposes

For residence requirement explanations, please visit the NC Residency page on the Registrar's site at

Student Medical Insurance

The Medical Insurance Premium is charged to students each semester that are enrolled in nine or more hours. To find out more information regarding this insurance, visit and click on the Health Insurance Information link. Or you can reach the Health Services Office by calling 828-262-7463.

The Medical Insurance Premium charge is separate from the mandatory Health Service Fee that covers on campus visits to the Health Services Clinic.

Orientation Charges

Students are billed their orientation fee to their student account after they have attended orientation. For further costs and payment information pertaining to orientation, please visit the Orientation site at or contact their office at 828-262-2167. There is no cost for family members attending orientation.

Parking Permits and Traffic Tickets

Parking permits and traffic tickets issued to registered vehicles are billed to student accounts. For information and inquires into permits and traffic tickets, visit the Parking and Traffic Office at or contact their office at 828-262-2878.

Foreign Study Abroad Program Charges

Students should pay program charges based on the schedule provided by the Office of International Education and Development. Questions about trip charge payments should be directed to OIED at 828-262-2046. Other information may be found on their website at

Internships, Practicums, Field Experiences, Clinicals, and Student Teaching

Appalachian State University requires professional and general liability coverage for all students enrolled in an internship, field experience, practicum, clinical, and student teaching. Therefore, the University has assisted by locating a policy that can be purchased by University students for this purpose. The premium for this coverage is charged to each student's account upon enrollment. Additional information can be found at

Book Rental Charge

The book rental charge is assessed to all undergraduate main campus students with the exception of those participating in most student teaching, internships, and practicums.  The fee saves students large sums of money  by renting required books rather than purchasing them for a very low cost each semester.  Students may opt-out of the book rental fee.  There are only certain timeframes that students can opt out of the fee at the beginning of each semester.  To find out more information regarding opting out of the book rental fee please contact the bookstore or see The Textbook Rental Program site.

Textbooks Not Returned

Rental textbooks that are not returned prior to the Bookstore deadline for each semester are charged to student accounts. For further information, visit their site at or to discuss these charges, please contact the Bookstore at 828-262-3070.

Wellness Service Fee

Please visit the Student Conduct site at for information regarding these charges or call their office at 828-262-2704.

Federal and State Tax Withholding Charges from Scholarships

International students are issued a 1042-S from the Tax Compliance/Payroll Office and withholding charges are placed on their student account. Further information regarding these charges can be found at or by calling the Tax Compliance/Payroll Office at 828-262-8977.