Marine Corps, Navy, Coast Guard


Marine Corps

  • Marine Tuition Assistance (TA) is available to all active duty and active reserve marines. 
  • TA requests must be submitted and approved before the start date of class, without exception. 
  • Tuition Assistance will pay the following, as part of your approved degree plan:
    • $250.00 per semester hour
    • Annual limit of $4,500.00
  •  For more information about the Marine Tuition Assistance program contact your Force Education office, (866) 305-9058 or email


  • Navy Tuition Assistance(TA) is available to active duty Sailors and the following Naval Reservists:
    • Enlisted Naval Reservists ordered to active duty for 120 days or more
    • Naval Reserve Officers ordered to active duty for two years beyond the course term end date
  • To apply for Tuition Assistance, use the link,
  • TA requests must be submitted and approved before the start date of class, without exception. 
  • Tuition Assistance will pay the following, as part of your approved degree plan:
    • $250.00 per semester hour
    • Annual limit of $4,500.00 
  • Navy Help Line – 877-838-1659


Coast Guard


  • TA requests must be submitted and approved before the start date of class, without exception. 
  • Tuition Assistance will pay the following, as part of your approved degree plan:
    • $250.00 per semester hour
    • Annual limit of $2,250.00 
  •  Coast Guard Help Line – 405-954-1360